Sunday, May 11, 2008

Alpaca Alpaca Alpaca Alpaaaaaaaaaaaaca

I've had an awesome two days. Came to Seattle last night, went to Margaret Cho with Ava, got smashed, woke up this morning and had breakfast, then went to the Thrasher Skate Rock show at the Marginal Way Skatepark, because I wanted to see All Bets on Death.
Yes, that was a run-on sentence, I don't care, I'm busy.

Anyway, the BEST thing was when we left breakfast and walked through the farmer's market. There were ALPACAS!!!

Unfortunately they were not flying alpacas, but nevertheless they were the best thing in the entire world. I want a million alpacas. They're like sheep-horse-giraffes. I want to feed them apples and pet them on the head.

I'll have pictures later. Right now I'm at Ava's trying to re-load music onto my iPod for the drive home.

I just wanted to let you know about the Alpacas, though.

And actually, when Nate and I were on the way back from the Bonneville Dam, he drove behind an ALPACA TRUCK and I kind of freaked out. Good things come in threes so I'm waiting for the final Alpaca sighting.

Al. Paca.

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