Friday, March 6, 2009

Lily Meatballs @ The East Side Deli

I did a quick photo shoot for the East Side Deli ( the other day. They needed a picture of Lily eating a sub for their ad to go in the Mercury's Food Guide this month. While I was there I did some extra shots of Miss Meatballs. Here's two for now.

Lily Meatballs @ The East Side Deli


Something, something, balls in your mouth, mumble mumble...

Flexx Bronco @ Porky's In Longview, WA

Long time no post. I've been busy.

This last weekend Flexx Bronco came through from San Francisco and played some shows with Jackmove, All Bets on Death and the Altarboys.

Best weekend ever. Here's highlights of Flexx Bronco from the show in Longview on Saturday night (2/28/09)

All photos here:






That last one is actually from their show at King Cobra in Seattle on Friday,
but I really like what Phil's hair is doing so it's being added to this set.

All Bets On Death @ Porky's in Longview, WA

All photos here:




Altarboys & Jackmove in Longview, WA

@ Porky's, 2/28/09
All photos here:



February 28th 2009, Misc

This set is being divided up into four posts.
All photos here:


