So I have this kind-of big/definitely rad project I'm working on. It's going to be awesome. Here's the gist:
If you're in Portland, Oregon you probably know about the Horse Project, but if you don't, go get yourself hip.
For the last two years I've been heading up the Horse Liberation and Relocation Project. It has been my own personal mission wherein I go to any lengths necessary to free a tied-down horse and relocate it somewhere, usually my own house. Call me an asshole, watch me care. Whatever.
I've recently begun a NEW twist on this old favorite- such as replacing the stolen horses with other stuff. Namely big plastic cars. Since cars replaced horses anyway, right? Damn, I'm clever.
I found this amazing horse a few blocks from my house two weeks ago:

It's a basketball-sized plastic Cabbage Patch horse. It's obviously a challenge I cannot resist. It is also a magnificent opportunity to turn it into something else awesome, which is what Alison and I are doing.
First, we're going to video tape the heist using Portland Community Media's professional video equipment. We'll have (hopefully) and roller-skate up the street in ski-masks, holding bolt-cutters and a ransom note. They'll free the horse, and afix the note to the sidewalk-ring. There's more detail involved here, but you'll have to wait to get the whole story.
The ransom note will be the start of a treasure hunt (possibly involving local bar-hopping). Whoever finds it has to go to a bar, find the next clue, etc. There will be incentives. It will be amazing. Since this particular horse is so giant and obviously belongs to someone who lives on that block, I think we'll get action.
Now I've got to map out local bars and clue-hiding spots in typical horse-project areas of the city, because from now on every time I find one of these motherfuckers they're getting replaced with a ransom note. And THIS idea, while obviously time-consuming is waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay more awesome than me just lifting them off the street and herding them in my bedroom. Right? Right.
Once it's under way, I'm sending the info to the Horse Project founder, to put on his Horse Theives! page of his site. Hehehe.
Now hopefully I don't kick myself in the ass for spilling my guts about this here, before the fact.
If you're in Portland, Oregon you probably know about the Horse Project, but if you don't, go get yourself hip.
For the last two years I've been heading up the Horse Liberation and Relocation Project. It has been my own personal mission wherein I go to any lengths necessary to free a tied-down horse and relocate it somewhere, usually my own house. Call me an asshole, watch me care. Whatever.
I've recently begun a NEW twist on this old favorite- such as replacing the stolen horses with other stuff. Namely big plastic cars. Since cars replaced horses anyway, right? Damn, I'm clever.
I found this amazing horse a few blocks from my house two weeks ago:
It's a basketball-sized plastic Cabbage Patch horse. It's obviously a challenge I cannot resist. It is also a magnificent opportunity to turn it into something else awesome, which is what Alison and I are doing.
First, we're going to video tape the heist using Portland Community Media's professional video equipment. We'll have (hopefully)
The ransom note will be the start of a treasure hunt (possibly involving local bar-hopping). Whoever finds it has to go to a bar, find the next clue, etc. There will be incentives. It will be amazing. Since this particular horse is so giant and obviously belongs to someone who lives on that block, I think we'll get action.
Now I've got to map out local bars and clue-hiding spots in typical horse-project areas of the city, because from now on every time I find one of these motherfuckers they're getting replaced with a ransom note. And THIS idea, while obviously time-consuming is waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay more awesome than me just lifting them off the street and herding them in my bedroom. Right? Right.
Once it's under way, I'm sending the info to the Horse Project founder, to put on his Horse Theives! page of his site. Hehehe.
Now hopefully I don't kick myself in the ass for spilling my guts about this here, before the fact.
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