Me: I am so fucked. Like. Fucked. TOTALLY fucked.
Brooke: The capital of Dajah is
Me: The standard deviation of Dajah is... Fucked.
Brooke: The magnitude of Dajah is Fucked.
Me: The instantaneous velocity of Dajah is Fucked.
Brooke: The amplitude of Dajah is Fucked.
Me: The specific gravity of Dajah is Fucked.
Brooke: The interference color of Dajah is Fucked.
Me: The acceleration of Dajah is Fucked.
Brooke: There is a polymorph of kaolinite, and it's dickite. Dick. Ite. D-I-C-K. I-T-E.
Me: You should spike that into your Mineralogy paper, just like you said it.
Brooke: I already put 'Dajah is a whore' in my paper.
Me: *looks* ... whoa, you did. Sweet.